FutureForum 2008: Race, Gender, and Age Take Center Stage
How Will the Issues of Campaign 2008 Impact Workforce and Workplace Trends?
November 6 – 9, 2008
The Westin Alexandria
Alexandria, Virginia
NMCI and FWI have formed a strategic alliance marking the first time a leading global diversity consulting firm has partnered with a leading non-profit, bringing together proven leaders in the field of diversity consulting and training. The core competencies of both organizations include strategic consulting, organizational assessments, training, coaching and research. This conference is sponsored jointly by the two organizations.
NMCI’s Conferences typically offer a variety of learning opportunities to meet the needs of all attendees – from those seeking in-depth training on the latest facilitation techniques to those interested in connecting with peers and experts on specific topics related to diversity and inclusion in society and the workplace.
Keynote Address:
Margaret Regan, MA,
President and CEO, The FutureWork Institute
Vice Chair, National MultiCultural Institute
November 6, 2008
Journey into the future, examine the impact of the national election and witness the workforce and workplace changes in the year 2018. Experience the new organizational structures, the challenges to your industry, and the impact of technology on the workforce as work is time driven but no longer time bound. Examine the impact of grey ceilings in a post-mortal society and a new set of diversity issues—generational conflicts, career diversity and a my-job my-way work preference.
As members and free agents work in temporary hierarchies in global virtual teams, watch their career paths meander across different organizations, assignments and locations. See how the e-business transformation causes the wired workforce to take over, as loyalty to the profession, rather than the organization cause employers to offer a new “employer of choice” contract.
Ms. Regan, Vice Chair of NMCI and the President and CEO of The FutureWork Institute, is an internationally-known keynote speaker and consultant on the future workplace and marketplace. She has worked with human resource practices in Japan, keynoted generational diversity conferences in Asia, worked in Paris on French-American mergers, educated executive teams on cross-cultural differences, conducted women’s studies in Germany, France, the UK and the US. She has led Institute projects which conducted employee research and focus groups in Hong Kong, Bangalore, Tokyo, Mexico, Chile, Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam, Paris and other major cities.
Ms. Regan was formerly a Principal and the Global Diversity Practice Leader for Towers Perrin, and the first woman executive at two organizations: the New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Con Edison in NYC. She has appeared on NBC-TV’s Today Show, CBS This Morning, NBC Nightly News, and CNN, to comment on emerging workforce trends.
Currently, she is featured on Close-Up TV as the CEO of “one of the most innovative businesses in the U.S.,” in the Diversity Journal as a pioneer of the profession, in CNN/Money Magazine as the expert on future workplace trends and in a special feature in Business Week on FutureWork’s creative approach to “my-job my-way”, “my-business our way” and “my perks my-way.” As a result, in 2008, she was awarded the Diversity Innovation Award by the American Institute for Managing Diversity.
4 Day Workshops
Thursday – Sunday
November 6-9, 2008

2 Day Workshops
Thursday – Friday
November 6-7, 2008

2 Day Workshops
Saturday – Sunday
November 8-9, 2008

1 Day Workshops
Friday, November 7, 2008
1/2 Day Workshops
Thursday, November 6, 2008
1/2 Day Workshops
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Special Events
FutureForum 2008: Race, Gender, and Age Take Center Stage
November 6-9, 2008
The Westin Alexandria
Thursday, November 6, 2008
12:00 pm – 1:45 pm
The10 Lenses: How Are These Lenses Playing Out on the National Stage in Campaign 2008?
The 10 Lenses is a book, an educational framework, and an exciting live training event that changes the way people think about race, ethnicity and cultural differences. Join Mark Williams and his unforgettable cast of 10 Lenses characters at a live event focused on understanding these lenses trough the dynamics of the national elections!
Mr. Williams is the Chief Creative Officer for IdentityHoldings and Founder of MarkusWorks. He is a dynamic speaker and entertainer who seamlessly blends his original multimedia elements and frameworks to produce unforgettable live events. He will bring the power of his Lenses frameworks, research, diagnostics and multimedia to life to inspire participants to spark self-examination, challenge preexisting world views and uncover belief systems that may be unconsciously embedded into their organizational culture and systems.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
5:30 am – 7:00 pm
“Class Acts” Interactive Theater Session
ClassActs is presented by DeValk Associates, Inc. and FWI. It combines state-of- the-art human dynamics content with the drama of live theatre. The theatre vignettes are followed by highly interactive discussions led by experienced facilitator, Steve De Valk. During the discussions, actor-trainers remain in character so participants can problem solve and practice skills. In keeping with the conference theme, the focus will be on race, gender, and generational diversity issues.
Steve De Valk is a FutureWork Institute senior affiliate, consultant and a partner. He is the founder of De Valk Associates, Inc. (DVA), a training and staff consulting organization specializing in diversity and change management. Steve established DVA in 1990 to respond to the changing workforce and to equip organizations with the necessary tools to develop their most valuable resource—people. Steve is published in Training and Development Magazine and Insights Magazine, and has worked extensively throughout the US and Canada, and the UK and Australia.
Friday, November 7, 2008
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
CyberCafe Demos
Four Levels of E-Learning: Web 1.0 and 2.0
Participants can experience and try out four different types of e-learning which will be demonstrated by TMA, IdentityHoldings and The FutureWork Institute. In order to determine which approach would work in their organization, they can also take a readiness assessment to help point them in the right direction. The four approaches include:
Web-Based E-Learning
1) Basic—Web-Based TMA and Copia; Worldprism Profiler
2) Advanced—Web-Based Identity Holdings “My Identity” and “KnowMeNow”
3D Virtual Reality E-Learning
3) Basic—Virtual Reality Immersion—ProtoSphere
4) Advanced—Virtual Reality Immersion: FutureWork Island on Second Life